


  • 9/6/23电子模板:
    • 可下载
  • 10/6/23 Electronic PAR Template (Word doc) Reviews Due to Deans/Managers:
    • Submit your word doc template to your dean/manager, including the resource request 节,以及任何适用的资源请求表格(e.g.,教师优先级和/或 分类优先级).
  • 10/23/23最终PAR提交截止:
    • receiving feedback from your dean/manager, one person from your program's/area's PAR团队应该:



如果您不确定要使用哪个PAR模板,请检查 这个列表,按程序名称的字母顺序排列.

2023年秋季学术课程 Use this template for programs/areas that have SLOs, PLOs, FTES attributed to 他们的程序. *Note: even if your program/area is academic, if you don't have SLOs, PLOs 和 FTES, then use the 学生服务/管理服务/Office of the 总统模板.

2023年秋季 学生服务/管理服务/Office of the President 对于具有“服务领域成果”的程序使用此模板.

2023年秋季院长和副总裁总结PAR 这个总结报告指导分析 对于院长和 VPs 向他们报告的项目/领域的趋势.

  • 请查看 常见问题 如果您在填写模板时有任何问题.


  • Depending on your version of word, you may experience challenges with opening links 从Word文档模板. 
      • If you have trouble opening any link, then simply copy the link 和 paste it into 打开的浏览器窗口.
      • Mac users we suggest not using Safari 和 using a different browser (e.g.、铬).



  • 下载秋季2023 您所在地区PAR电子模板(e.g.、学术服务或学生服务/行政 Services/OP)并将其保存到您的计算机. (电子PAR模板位于 上面的部分电子PAR模板.")
  • 重命名 它带有您的程序或区域的名称. 


  • 决定是否使用协作平台.


  • 查看数据 as you reflect on your program's/area's SLOs, PLOs, SAOs, 一样的目标.
  • Service areas often collect their own data in Banner; be sure to use whatever data 您可以回答PAR中的问题.
  • If you will need any data from the ORPIE to assess your SLOs, PLOs, SAOs, or 一样的目标, 然后请求上的数据 研究申请表格 越早越好!),但 9月22日星期五 最迟. ORPIE will process requests in the order in which we receive them.


  • your completed Electronic PAR Template to your manager/dean with the associated 形式 by 10/6/23.
    • 包括资源请求,如word doc模板中所述.
    • Include associated 形式, such as the classified 和 faculty prioritization request 形式.


  • 等待 让你的院长/经理给你反馈.  如果你还没有听到任何消息 周一 10/16/23,你可能想要联系一下.


  • 在10/23/23之前提交你的最终PAR, your dean/manager has given you the go ahead, by going through the following steps:
    1. PAR模板(品质): One person from your program's/area's PAR team should submit the contents of the Word文档模板(资源请求除外)中的 2023年秋季PAR质量提交.
      1. Plan to do this in one sitting; there is no "save" function in Qualtrics.
    2. 资源请求(Cognito):提交资源请求 2023秋季资源请求提交.
    3. 分类的优先顺序形式:在Cognito表单中上传您的资源请求. 
    4. 教师优先排序表:电邮至Cheree Manicki cmanicki@xhfangfu.com by 10/23/23.
    5. 学科计划: check with your dean to see if anything is required for discipline plans at this time.


  • 庆祝!!! 您已经完成了2023年秋季更新年PAR. 


  • 9/6/23程序 & 地区检讨启动:秋季2023模板可在PAR网站
    • Data Available via PAR or IR websites (with one exception, 度 和 证书 数据将于9月中旬公布).
  • 9/6/23 - 10/6/23区域/学科PAR团队合作: to complete their PARs in the electronic template provided, seeking feedback from 经理/院长在需要时.
  • 9/7/23 - 10/6/23培训PAR委员会可应要求提供培训.
  • 10/6/23发给院长/经理的PAR电子模板审核:
    • Remember to submit PAR template, including resource requests 和 include associated 形式(e.g.,分类或教师优先级表).
  • 10/7/23 - 10/20/23院长/经理提供反馈 并在PAR准备好提交时通知PAR小组.
  • 10/23/23最后的par到期: 后 receiving approval from dean/manager, PAR team submits the information from the word doc template into Qualtrics 和 resource requests into Cognito.
  • 11/9/23数据分析开始: PAR 委员会 analyzes data; begins developing synthesis statements
  • 11/17/23院长总结和资源请求优先级到期: Deans, please submit summaries on Qualtrics, submit your own resource requests in Cognito,并评估资源请求仪表板上的请求.
  • 12/1/23 VP总结和资源请求优先级到期: VPs, please submit summaries on Qualtrics, submit your own resource requests in Cognito,并评估资源请求仪表板上的请求.
  • 24/29/24综合报表目标日期PAR向方案咨询委员会提交综合报表供其审查.




  • In brief: To promote excellent data analysis of college-wide trends
  • In detail: Originally PARs were submitted on paper 和 the PAR committee 和 PRAC were left to analyze 和 make sense of reams of paper, then we moved to electronic templates 和 submissions, next, thanks to the hard work of those who have come before 我们(e.g., Patricia Shannon, Jan Novak, Wing Kam, countless others), our own homegrown 开发了Chabot程序评审应用程序. 这是一个巨大的进步 学院. As we continue to grow 和 get 和 review 更多的 和 更多的 data, we now need an app that allows for efficient data analysis of college-wide trends. 
  • Qualtrics allows for easy analysis 和 visualizations of the campus-wide data. By including 更多的 quantitative questions, gathering the data on Qualtrics, the PAR committee (with the support of the Office of Research, 规划, Institutional Effectiveness) is able to report back on campus-wide trends 和 achievements. 
  • 看看这个ppt 2021年秋季全面PAR流程 以及转投Qualtrics. (You can listen to the audio by playing the powerpoint or read the audio in the slide 笔记.)